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Monday, February 28, 2011

The relation and the Titles..

Some day i will leave Milano, and someday fuck i will go crazy without these guys, not to mention the fact that i do crazy with these idiots, every single time..there are these words that i have kept for them and is used every time to refer to their name, before i do forget these names eventually, i had to pin them down here.

My Bro - The mother (Maaaa, Tunna, Dewa,) for all ,- Rohit Bhoite
My Emotional advisor - (The babe, Wife, Sharma Madam, Nakchadi, Mutko, Lost) - Aditi Sharma
The Idiot fun one - (Layla, Totta, Natu, Found) - Natasha Agarwal

Sunday, February 27, 2011

As it had to be ...

As i had expected, that is exactly how the conversation had to take place, be happy and be happy for everyone .. :), It had to happen because nothing happens without a reason and to give a reason is the most important thing, and i gave the reason.

What is the point of saying , I miss you anyways ? .. Lol !
Chill maar , Aage bado bete ! Life doesn't end anywhere, there are more beautiful things ahead which i am meeting exactly in 2 hours, Yay !

P.S - Its a good day, Sachin made 120 :D , England ki toh lag gayi !

Friday, February 25, 2011

An end for a new beginning ...

A super-duper workshop just got over, realized something during the workshop which was unusual, the things i see and i the things i think about are really not the same, how i fell for it i really have no clue, kind of scared and kind of worried about it....

It really does not solve all problems.....
I need to rewind time and go back in time to Dubai , DIAC, so that a phone-conversation wouldn't be so weird as it had happened that particular morning !

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Let Me be Myself ...

Every now and then I need a state of isolation or maybe term it as seclusion, however these things dont really come out of the blue or something, its just that once in a month or so i would like to be alone to figure out a lot of things on my own, to explore the city on my own, to live it my own. I spoke to a classmate of mine about this, as she also felt the same way as me, since the time she has shifted base to Milan. She wants to be just alone, stare at a ceiling or something similar, staring point blank at a ceiling can freak out people who are around you, and thats perhaps why i dont do that, her reason is quite a lame one, according to her she wants this solitude from life and others around her because she just had a breakup with her boyfriend, for me i think of it as a physical solitude where you are forcing yourself to numerous attempts in order to remove distractions from life and probably concentrate on something else, that can be a bigger priority in life. kya lauda lasoon hain yeh ? .. complete behenchodgiri !

Why for one person stop your life, and come to a standstill as if there is nothing more left, it might have mind-fucked for you to talk /think/speak about that person but till when can you do that ? .. There will be a point where you have to get out of that comfort zone with a loud BANG !
There is nothing to be reminded off, till the time you are not an emotional fool to fall for it every single time, this mind is a dangerous weapon it does have its moments where it tries to wander around the same things again and again. If that person was meant to really come back, he or she would have come back, but then you cant really count your life on it, its too big a hassle and a much bigger head-ache than being single and living happy the way you want it, being single doesnt really mean to not date anyone, it is just an act where you seem to be in a relationship for yourself, but nothing more than that, it is just what you want at that particular moment not anything more and not anything less. The problems are when you talk of relationships, they dont really make sense to me, they are beautiful in their own way, but honestly the dating part is better where you dont seem to be emotionally attached with each other, that you are scared to say anything because it might seem to hurt another person.

You do have a super - duper life dont you ? I say super-duper life solely because the world has not ended, there are countless people you eventually meet, some good and some gandu ! , but all in all , it just teaches you important lessons in life which are supposed to be taken as lessons so as to not to commit them the next time something similar happens.

Probably take life as it comes, do things you always wanted to do, but couldn't because of your crappy commitments to other things, give your friends the importance they should be given because they will eventually be the ones who will be around for your tattoo art on your shoulder blades, for the numerous piercings on your body, for the times that you fall sick, for the times they want to drink, for the times you always want to have fun, for the times where you seem to be enjoying life to the max.
I always remember this song called Let me be myself - 3 doors down, infact me and Gozde do listen to it quite a lot these days, Gozde is the girl whom i work with these days with my present project, yes the beautiful eyes girl ...

Please, Would you one time let me be myself , So that i can shine with my own light ... let me be myself.....

These are the kind of lyrics that help you to get on with it, and do things that you always wanted to do, but didnt ................. coz you had to be answerable to someone.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Day and Nights

Milan | 12.48 am | Work | Workshop | Valentines Day | A Complete Waste of Time | Aditi | Alladin Pants | Rohit | Smarty Pants | Gozde | Beautiful Eyes | Natasha | Slim-Fat Issues in Life...

Sunday, February 13, 2011

A new beginning ..

She is cute, she is beautiful in her own way , and she is totally bindaas about life...
Thankyou for this .... and you are welcome ..

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Dreams .. What a fuck up !

Off-late i have been getting like very weird dreams with different scenarios, with different people ... and i swear i have been waking up every morning with a shocked expression on my face.
I had to tell someone, I had to discuss it with someone because now there is a problem i dont anymore get women doing awesome things to each other in my dreams.... So i wrote a post to Rohit and explained him the situation on Facebook, this is just a copy of that letter, i had tagged Natasha and Aditi as well since they too were in my dreams ...

Dude, Even though you have time to talk to your other friends and like totally ignore you give like a goli to me and Natasha Aggarwal , but then i have to tell you about this
Anyway, I had like the weirdest dream last night, it was like 2020 you and Aditi Sharma were like dating ( haha, told you it couldnt be weirder than this you had white hair and you had kids running across all over India and Italy and Dubai .. and London calling , Dad Dad .! ) You were driving the car , and me and natasha were like on the back seat , Aditi was angry with you because she wanted to get married to you couldn't get married , coz of your pending criminal investigation or something, and the fact that you will go to jail very soon. You had done like a major "catch me if you can" thing with the cops in Europe, so you couldnt get married to Aditi because aditi's parents didn't approve of it coz of you know your criminal investigation, you wanted to give yourself up to the cops but you felt Natasha was a undercover cop herself , and you were her friend, soo you felt police is in your pocket ...
Aditi suspected you were having an affair with Natasha, I had suspected it too coz that was like the only reason you were not behind bars, You knew i knew, I knew you knew .. so like chalta hain yaar types attitude tha...
but then you got angry for a reason , we were on the mountains, you were fed up of Aditi , you were fed of Natasha, well you were not fed up of me...
You put the car in 5th gear , drove it at a high speed.. and killed all of us by jumping of the mountain ... *asshole*

How dramatic .. ! hahahah

Zeb & Haniya, Bibi Sanam - Coke Studio

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Workshops and Projects ...

Annoying ~ Yet Awesome ! ...
Bring it ON! BITCH !

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Life aur uski Aankhen !

"Ye Zindagi Rangon mein Doobegi ....
Surmai Shaam ye Bhoolegi Na Kabhi ...
Koi toh Baaten Hon Aankhon Se Aankhon Ki ...."

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Everything is relative

It started with her mood swings, i thought it was her monthly issues, however i was wrong she was made like that, she is like that, no-one can really change her and her views about anything.

P.S - I still love her the way she is ...

6th Feb 2010 ...

Kickass Clubbing at Cavalli - Milano ! - Bas , Enough ! ab aur nahi ...

Didnt end in a nice way though I realized babe has mood swings ! .. :@

Saturday, February 5, 2011

The Glitches of Life...

To Delete from Facebook - Done
To Delete from Dubai - Done
To Delete from every phone - Done
To Delete from Family - Done
To Delete from Blackberry - Done
To Delete from Life - Done
To Delete from Aditi. Rohit and Natasha - Done
Listening to Aditi and Deleting from everywhere around and concentrate on Laura - Done
When things are so awesome, then why ? .. Why create complications ? ... Chill maar yaar !

Delete from ? --- I cant (honestly, i tried i Google'd enough ,but due to some technical snags I cant) , Can you please ? ..

Friday, February 4, 2011

I came , I saw ... and I ran ....

They do say a lot, and they do express a lot. Some maybe fake, some are not so fake, Some express the freedom some express the intuition. Yes, I did make full use of the camera today, I clicked faces...

Come to think of it, DA doesn't have too many good looking girls, but thats not DA, that was like how Architecture and Design was made, When god had decided to allocate girls according to various professions, He fucked us over ! ... He gave the Fashion people, Management People, Medical People, Media people , IT people etc... all the awesome looking girls, and he decided to give us the left over.
Its like he was playing a practical joke on the design and architecture people, He had like a bet with all the other gods (his colleagues), over drinks or something as to how he can screw us completely. hahah !

Me and many other guys are paying for it, till now, Old fashion club house was an eventful night,things had to happen there, it was quite obvious, but then again to start with Shirley wouldn't be an appropriate choice, but its all good who cares ? .. ! Bindaas rehne ka

The way it is tonight , at 12.42 AM

Today i am in a very fully faltu mood, somehow life ka koi scene nahi ban raha, totally random mood , total random stuff. It doesn't make much of a difference though, i may not write it here but many days are like fully faltu these days.

Aaj ki taza khabar ...

Aditi claims uska mood aaj bahut Lost hain ... she seems lost somewhere and someplace, Sharma madam also is cribbing that I dont have sugar at home.

Rohit is super - happy as his IPhone seems to work, he is also an idiot that he got Non alcoholic Beer ...

Natasha is in her Happy - Go - Lucky mood today and is somehow trying to loose weight ... * i dont really see the point *

Gunjan is her normal self today , laughing at lame jokes primarily based on Sonal.

Lina is in Paris, enjoying the way she should , and not like US idiots sitting in Milan and doing nothing.

Hardik would be listening to Coke - Studio, and be in his Jango Mood .

Smriti would be considering to loose weight some way or the other, and would also be considering to buy a belt.

Mansi would be cribbing as her Birthday is over today.

Gozde would be in pain , as her tooth broke today, if she is like me she would also hate dentist's.

Laura would be considering to look at Apurv more closely , and consider his drooling eyes... haha

Eliona would be thinking of getting a bigger size of things ...

Hassan would be in Love - Sex aur Dokha mindset...

Cem would be trying to steal someone else's work, now maybe in Barcelona...

Mustufa , would be making a 3D of himself very very very ... soon

Charlie would be making plans as to how to stalk Aditi Sharma.

Kwaan would be putting some nailpolish , if he is at Gunjan's he would be putting some Pink and Yellow - courtesy Gunjan's roommate, Sonal

Yana would be trying to buy some brains from Ebay , and not only prettiness.

Mina would like to go back to her profile, and change some pictures.

Katerina would like to make an awesome awesome video, with nigh vision with Natasha.

George would be in his dreamworld to make a crappy project, with awesome dialogues to support it.

Sin Yun and Lee : They would be at home now and bitching about how life is hell with Aditi , Rohit and Gunjan.

Chintan would be and also should be considering to drop his sur-name ... It cannot be a "Punjabi"