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Friday, February 4, 2011

I came , I saw ... and I ran ....

They do say a lot, and they do express a lot. Some maybe fake, some are not so fake, Some express the freedom some express the intuition. Yes, I did make full use of the camera today, I clicked faces...

Come to think of it, DA doesn't have too many good looking girls, but thats not DA, that was like how Architecture and Design was made, When god had decided to allocate girls according to various professions, He fucked us over ! ... He gave the Fashion people, Management People, Medical People, Media people , IT people etc... all the awesome looking girls, and he decided to give us the left over.
Its like he was playing a practical joke on the design and architecture people, He had like a bet with all the other gods (his colleagues), over drinks or something as to how he can screw us completely. hahah !

Me and many other guys are paying for it, till now, Old fashion club house was an eventful night,things had to happen there, it was quite obvious, but then again to start with Shirley wouldn't be an appropriate choice, but its all good who cares ? .. ! Bindaas rehne ka

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