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Monday, November 24, 2008

"I like my whiskey old and my women young" - Errol Flynn

We all know that men and women are wired differently and that sometimes the wrong wiring can set off dangerous sparks . Some wars do not need a reason to be fought , they are just a way of life . Poets and Playwrights have written about this gender grenade since like ages like the eminent John Gray who thinks that men and women are so different that they belong to different planets altogether .
All this due to the ultimate puzzle that civilization still graples with : What does a man want ???
I personally belive that it depends on the phase of life like for example take the dating phase , in this " so called " rose colored dim light phase all he wishes in a women is that she be pretty , soft spoken , careing , tender and be by the side always . Such a " simple dream " isint it ??...
Then , he dates her long enough to relise that he wants to marry her , Now his wish list alters , sometimes even without him being aware of it . He wakes up somedays to find his wife putting butter on the bread as if spanking a new born child, or she is muttering something in her breath as if to give an indication , sometimes i wonder do such categories even exist ? How can a whole planetful of women be so " Illogically " compartmentalised ?
So okay then , lets forget the compartmentalisation . Lets go back to the basic question What does a man want ?
A beautiful , smart , intelligent women with a great sense of humour , who is a good cook , a grand hostess, an efficient multitasker a person who will insure that the chips and the dips are served on a platter exactly when the India Pakistan cricket match begins , who will look after the kids , allow him his boy night out ever so often without calling him on the hour, be sensitive to his moods, and more or less be strong and passionate ... :)
I hav'nt met one person till date who has got everything what he had wished for , however i was talking to a friend of mine Kanika the other day and we were talking how we look towards a relationship , she had her own set of a wish list according to her ... Women are always lookng for a life partner who is a perfect blend of the qualities of Robin Hood and Romeo . A tall, handsome , big , strong , passionate man who never forgets birthdays and anniversaries , who always give up his game of a cricket for a chick flick , or goes shopping and holds the hangers while she tries " 26 " dresses and seven type of jeans. A man who will hush her back to sleep when the baby cries at 3 am and change the diapers himself ( without switching on the lights you see the light spoils her precious sleep ) , belives in supriseing her with expensive gifts on her birthday , leaves love notes around the house and is eternally grateful that she is a part of his life.
This too is a wish list however whatever kanika said to me online didn'nt make any sense to me , in other words it was going over my head later on i kind of thought about it and came to a conclusion or again a wish list ..

Just basic 7 random things that i wish women knew

  • BE A SPORT : When a beautiful women walks into sight , Dont sulk about it . Before your boyfriend can say it, you say it " wow what a lovely lady ! " .. trust me there is no harm in appreciateing beauty.

  • DO NOT BE A CLOCK-WATCHER : It's the job of of the clock to keep track of the minutes , hours and seconds not the women's when the man is out with his mates . If he is running late there must be good goddamn reason towards it

  • RETURN TO REALITY : As a girl , you must have lived out a fairy tale in your mind. All homes were castles, all boys were young princes and the rest . BUT life is not a fairytale. The real world is real, it has a name , a street sign , a house number and every house has a story to it. A real life story is different from a soap opera.

  • CRICKET : not the chirping kind but the game many men love and most women have no time for . Spend a little time watching the game ... it aint that bad

  • CURRENCY V/S PAPER : This one my friend Ryan will agree on infact besides ryan there will be many others who will agree to me , sometimes it is critical to know the difference between currecny and paper when parting with it when going out for a date or something.

  • QUIT THE DISTANCE DRIVING : Could women refrain from distance driving please ? By distance driving I mean telling their boyfriends how to drive while you are belted up in the passenger seat. Driving in Dubai is stressful enough; what makes it worse is when women push their feet against the floor thinking that they will slow down the car . It wont . The breaks are on the other side.

  • FORGIVE AND FORGET : When a man forgets an anniversary or some other important date , it is not a " criminal offence ". It is possible that the date didnt ring a bell for some reason or the other. Forget it yaar why cause such an hassle .. !

P.S - I am a very happy commited man .. :)


@Mb3R said...

my blog isnt boring!!! Its jus tht ppl like u dnt undrstnd the whole concept!!! And atleast I dont write abt POKER TABLES and HOW I LOST MY CELL!!! lol!!!!

Unknown said...

hey nice post man !! liked it !! would ask u 2 add a few more things 2 yr list u wish girls knew lol !! n ways agree wit u all the way through !! cheers !!