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Wednesday, November 12, 2008


Rabbi Shergil , thats the only name that has been in my head for the last three or four days , personally i think this guy is great , all his songs touch reality in someway or the other when i saw the video Bilqis i was spell bound....

Every Indian i belive should watch this , it has a definite meaning he touches reality in the closest manner possible. I thought Jugni was his best song ever but i guess he has crossed all points and borders with bilqis. I bow to the current freedom fighters, This is a very moving soulful song that talks about specific incidents involving some deplorable human rights violations that happened in India over the last few years and asks Indian society to own up to them and do something — There is an acoustic guitar riff of India’s national anthem that is played a few times in the song and used extremely effectively sounds pretty sexy ... ! The first incident (Bilqis) happened during the communal riots in Gujarat circa 2002, and there are mentions of other incidents where individuals (Satyendra Dubey and Manjunath) protesting corruption had to pay the price of protest with their lives. And I do pay Rabbi his share of respect to bring this forth. This is a song of substance and only a real artist can make anything like this. Personally i belive efforts like this is needed , till when will we be supressed by selfish political leaders and Mafia dons ? .. and seriously for what ? .. ! I really respect Rabbi's music though he has not been given credit which he deserves in the Indian music industry but i have a lot of respect for him atleast he doesnt use half naked women in his videos to make them popular not to mention copied melodies to sell his music . His songs are thoughtful and full of substance.

Unlike Daler Mehendi and Mika of all the people he sings songs which actually makes sense , it is like a breeze of fresh wind admist the all-the-same-theme-indian pop songs. Hope this song makes a powerful statement and prove that music can itself mean a social change even in the Indian context ....

Jinhe naaz hai hind par vo kahan the
Jinhe naaz hai vo kahan hain
(( Where are those who are proud of India , who are proud where are they ?? ))

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