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Saturday, November 22, 2008

Its all about the poker tables .. Baby !

My favourite way to pass time ( that is if i have ) these days is to play poker , thanks to Facebook i had initially started as being just an amateur , however i have now reached the advance stages as such ...

Poker has gone through a lot of history with people of varying cultures and social levels that it has transported itself from the traditional to a worldwide tournament. With the new advent of online gameing poker is one of the first casino games to have revenue generateing , simulated game online. Poker is entirely a social game . A poker player tends to develop observation skills of its opponents. Every poker player has mannerisms and personality nuances that would define himself and his game. Every poker player also seems to have a personal strategy and attitude towards the game that a longer a player plays with another they tend to know by instinct each other's possible moves. Online poker however lacks this potentialily . It is said that online poker has become less interactive and less personal , and i agree to that . It has defeated the sociability that the poker game is supposed to thrive on. It has been generally suggessted by a poppulation of online poker gamers that there must be some improvements given to the user interface and the overall arrangement of identity aspect . Facebook has perhaps revamped its Texas Holdem user interface however i personally belive that it is still not upto the mark . Better put , in an online poker game , you cant look at your opponent in the eye and smell fear or manage to glimpse a truimphant smirk that's a giveaway for a good hand .

So how does a professional online poker gamer make do with what’s not there? He/she can instead observe the gaming behavior of the opponent by analyzing the stakes they play with, who usually plays at a particular time, how does he play, when does he bluff, etc. To play poker online is even more challenging with the need to compensate for what’s not there, given that you have to feel the existence of something that would sometimes appear to be too virtual.

Atlantis the only casino that is present in Dubai will be the only place where rich arabs will be either making their fortune or looseing it completely . I hope maybe one day i will make my fortune there and rather being happy with my virtual chips appearing on the screen via facebook

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