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Friday, November 28, 2008

Birthday Blues

It is that time of the year again. That time of the year, which you’ve always wished, was bypassed. You were always so embarrassed by the thought of the spotlight being on you for even that brief moment. You never wanted that big cake and that loud singing. Just a whisper in your ear and a hug felt so nice. You were always so content with seeing someone else being the center of attention and you applauding from the sidelines. You’ve always been much better at those one to one encounters where your charm slowly plays out. You’ve sometimes watched this night pass wondering where you are now and where are you headed. Sometimes you’ve wondered what is so great about this day anyway. Why do so many people call you and why do so few people call you this day. Every time you think life is passing you by leaving you stranded and confused.

You sometimes take out old cards and gifts and wondered about those feelings behind them and how people take out time from their busy schedules to do things for you. But you are changing now, aren’t you? Loud singing and big cakes don’t embarrass you any more, even though you wished it all got over very quickly. You now remember to thank everyone who calls you, instead of going red in the face and not knowing what to say. You are also now ok with receiving gifts and this year you even managed to splutter out what you want... You do realize now that it is ok for people to want to give more than just their best wishes. What can I wish for you on this day? I’ve watched you grow up and watched life dance around you in its many forms. I was there with you when you stood on top of that hill and wanted to fly with the eagles.

I was there when you saw the life go out from your uncle’s eyes. I will be there with you till life goes out from your eyes. Until then we have a beautiful life ahead. You’ve been my pride and joy as I hope I have been yours.

Happy 20th Birthday