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Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Neither Mine nor Yours .. !

I was talking to Ram and Ryan an hour back about the present politics in India and how Mumbai being the financial powerhouse of the country is treating other North Indians ... How Fucked is Raj Thackeray in the head and how its a war between the uncle and the nephew ... well yeah another random stuff to pen down ... ! which later Ryan is gonna crib about but anyways who cares... !!

Maharashtra , it is a state that is located on the western coast of the country . It is the 3rd largest state in India and 2nd largest as far as population is concerned. The capital of Maharashtra being Mumbai , which also is the financial powerhouse of the country , main political parties being the Shiv Sena and the Mumbai Navinrman Sena ( MNS ) ....
What is it about Mumbai that is creating a hustle all over ... What is this uproar against all North Indians ? the reason being Raj Thackeray the leader of MNS , head of MNS , the goon of Mumbai , A mindless egocentric freak .. !
To really understand the phenomenon of Raj Thackeray and its present predicament on Mumbai , Bihar and other North Indian States, one has to combine a psychological and sociological perspective. In the case of Raj Thackeray and equally his uncle Bal Thackeray --it can be truly said that the personal is political , while the psychological provided by the unfolding of the relationship between them, the sociological is the constant invention of the ‘other’ as a necessary tactic of survival by the Shiv Sena, and now the Maharashtra Navnirman Sena (MNS)....
I personally believe that both Raj and Bal have this supermacy war against each other that has ignited the fire in their own battleground called Mumbai . Raj Thackeray as we all know ... when he got to know that he wont be the political heir to Bal Thackeray ... he decided to take them on their own turf and form the MNS - Mumbai Navinraman Sena , for Bal Thackeray it was the son's blood that triumphed over that of the nephew , ushering Uddhav Thackeray as the unlikely successor for Bal Thackeray.
Nobody is yet sure as to what happened to Balasaheb Thackeray all of a sudden after years of projecting Raj being his successor he suddenly changed his mind and decided onto Udhav Thackeray ( maybe a family crises .. but anyways who cares ?? ) ... however this decision of Bal Thackeray was very expensive ,as Bal Thackeray's unusual lack of wisdom, fueled a hostile competitiveness and rancour in the spurned Raj Thackeray.
To teach Bal and Udhav Thackeray a lesson the MNS was formed , Raj formed it not only to give a slap to Shiv Sena but also to other political parties and to lay its own claim to Maharashtra Mumbaikars , if not all of Maharashtra , throughout the history of Maharashtra MNS and Shiv Sena have barely come into a open conflict but an underground war of supremacy is always there.
Raj had learnt a lot of things from his uncle due to his close association with him . How to control Mumbai with muscle power , how to hold it to ransom , how to demand respect , how to bust the psychological nerves of Mumbaikars and protect them against the onslaught of foreigners -- the foreigners being the poor Indians who come to the shore of Mumbai to earn a living .... !
Many writings and movies ( Guru , A Wednesday , Yeh hain Mumbai meri jaan , Black Friday ) are a testimony to the composite nature of Mumbai created as it continually is through the migrations of Indians of all hues. weather they are from the east , west , south or the north it doesnt matter to them one bit. Mumbai is the only city in India that can be compared to cities like New York , Dubai or London ... ! like Mumbai people in New York are thrown on top of each other due to their hectic lifestyle , where they are forced to relate to each other irrespective of their caste,creed,color,religion etc...
What we know is that these cities are made by a labor of millions each has a dream and each wants to go for that dream
Do these cities belong to anyone ? Can they survive by abdicating to claims of primacy by a particular ethnic group, granting it privileges not granting to others . Language is a preference that comes with ethnicity and those who relocate themselves to Mumbai do not resist the language but accomodate their own speech onto it ... Marathi is not threatened by any other language and neither is Bambaiya Hindi which itself is a creation of this city .. !!
The Shiv Sena has survived as a regional party through a long track record by creating the ""outsiders "" and by presenting them as someone who take away what rightfully belong to the Marathis .. ! We dont need to remind ourselves that it was initially the South Indians , then the minority Muslims , then North Indians as a whole and then finally targetting UP and Bihar . This has been very easy for both MNS as well has Shiv Sena because its easy to beat them down... the outsiders have always been a migrant minority — regional or religious....
What does this do for the greatness of Marathi's that the opponents chosen are weak and defenceless unlike those that their hero Shivaji chose to battle ? .. Perhaps the relevant point here is Raj Thackeray for him its not the North Indians who are the real opponents .. it is the uncle Balasaheb Thackeray who is the main opponent , he is perhaps fighting for something which he calls his rightful inheritance ... .! The day is not far when Balasaheb will die ... if i am not wrong he is aged 65 or something .. !
Unfortunately , the youthfullness of desperate Raj Thackeray promises us that his brand of "gundagari " is not about to fade away in a hurry . To limit the damage of destruction between Bal and Raj Thackeray people should start beliveing on the fact that "" Mumbai kisi key baap ki nahi hain "" ... ! , it is the people who make the government and it is time the people are woken up from this utter nonsense that is happening in Mumbai ... It is only then that Mumbai could be termed as a world class city .... !

P.S - Ally just in case you read this post... do remember i still hate Maharashtra and there is no place that is better than Delhi ... :P


ellion said...

OMG! WHY do u hate Maharashra... hate Raj Thackeray if you want to ... he is the culprit...and the whole fiasco is goin on in mumbai and moslty there only.... you dont have to hate the whole fuckin state for that :X

Apurv said...

Ha ... i was guessing you would for sure read this .... I hate the state for electing a govt like Shiv Sena and giving too much of attention to egocentric dudes.. like Raj thackeray

ellion said...

u knw seriously i have only one word "WHATEVER". i am done defending pune i was done defending delhi ..smtime back hmph
:X :X :X :X

Apurv said...

You cant say anything ... you know it yourself what i am saying is right ... :)

Unknown said...

u shity delhi fucker tht u r apurv !! no offence 2 any 1 else than "apurv" !! u c it frm yr point of view !! but wat bal thackeray did, he did it for the maharashtrans !! cauz he knw wat lazy n over proud ppl there r in the state !! mumbia is a place where 90% things happen bellow the table !! where giving a bribe in public is nt such a big issue !!tellin u frm my own experience !! i once went for a ride wit my cousin bro on his bike !! n both of us were nt wearin helmets, n its a rule for the driver 2 wear his helmet!! soo yeah at a traffic signal 1 jackass off a cop stopped us n directly asked my cousin bro for 500 Rs. !! i was like wtf man this should nt happen in public but its how the city runs !! agreed raj thackeray sucks but he doesnt hav the respect tht bal thackeray ever had !! for any maharashtran raj thackeray is a god !! but personaly i dont give a damn abt mumbai politics..... live ur life how u want 2 dont give a fuck abt wat other ppl think !!

PS: apurv yr bald !! hahahahahahaa !!!!

ellion said...

ofcourse i cant say anything coz i give a damn bout mumbai politics....or even politics.i hate politics and political talk just makes me blank BLANK!!!!!!!!!!!!1