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Saturday, November 1, 2008

Mind the Heart .

Sometimes I just want to write. Except, I don’t know what to write. Sometimes, I just feel this itch to pen down what I am thinking. Except... I am not thinking anything. I am blank..!!.. almost like my mind is afraid to think, afraid to be brought out in the open under the spotlight

Maybe he doesn’t like me doing all this revealing.... He likes to keep its little secrets from me and reveal it to me when the “time is right”...!.
Its funny how the mind behaves sometimes almost like he lives a life of its own independent of me....!. Sometimes I think my heart and my mind are 2 separate individuals....!! What I finally end up doing is dependent on who wins the argument. If I don’t do anything then the argument is balanced on both sides...... I also feel that the heart and the mind respond to different impulses. They both take into account totally different set of factors before deciding on a course of action..... The mind for example would typically go the logical way. It will balance the pros and cons, the upside and the downside and then decide..... The heart is a different ball game altogether. Its difficult for the mind to comprehend how the heart decides.... The heart looks at what the nerves of the body have to say. What do the sixth sense, third eye and second nose have to say...!! Does it smell right? Does it sound right? Something doesn’t seem to be right here etc etc..... It’s amazing how many times these questions save us from potential troublesome situations..... The mind is never able to comprehend and calls it a fluke, a coincidence, or a miracle.....Maybe the mind isn’t made to comprehend this situation. What is the mind anyway???.... It is a function of knowledge (for lack of a better word) that is available to the society at a given time. This knowledge is imparted to all of us in the form of education..... In the early ages it was believed that the earth is not the centre of the universe and it actually revolves around the sun. Anyone who thought otherwise ..... Everyone also used to think the other way and if someone said no then he will be branded a madman and stoned to death or poisoned. Today if I came to you and said that I have proof of my next incarnation (and it will be what you really wanted to do when you left school) you will probably ask what do I smoke? But I am so sure in my heart that I will be an journalist in my next incarnation because that is what I really wanted to be when I left school. I am just waiting for them to fingerprint this whole genetic code and come out with this discovery...... I am grateful that we live in more tolerant times where I can atleast say what I want and not be stoned for it. Yes I will still be judged for what I say but I prefer it any day to stoning and other more drastic measures.......I still look forward to a world where we are not judged for our actions (except of course if we break laws). Where we have enough space to do what we want and how we want to do it......

Wouldn’t it be great if everyone just minded their own business and not interfered in others unless specifically asked to give their opinion? I was reading one of these colums (Friday magzine) on etiquette and it was talking about how houseguests should carry themselves. One of the things it said was that houseguests shouldn’t give advice unless specifically asked for. I was thinking that this issue is more than just an etiquette issue. What is worse is that people don’t think that what they are doing is wrong. So they are genuinely surprised when confronted on their behaviour. But then who am I to say that I am right and they are wrong. Maybe I am just exercising my personal prejudices.I think in a world where people are not judged for their actions the mind will be much closer to the heart in how it takes it decision. The mind will feel less bound by constraints and the need to be logical and confirm to societal norms.


Chroma said...

"I am grateful that we live in more tolerant times where I can atleast say what I want and not be stoned for it"
lol, true true.
very, very interesting read. rock on.

Apurv said...

Thank Haifa .. :):)