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Saturday, November 1, 2008

How TO spend a Saturday ?? .. :)

Recently we ( Me , Ryan and Ram ) have started playing foosball a lot well thankx to Dana - the only Quiet place to play foosball and pool in Karama .. without ppl shouting .. "" TERI MAA KI " ... Etc etc ... ... well we do it just for the heck of it .. ! .. or yeah to laugh at Ryan ... with the fuckall thingz he does there.. ! + to get my mood on the right track after yesterday evening . :D
infact belive it or not he is improveing with whatever he knew ... i have been improveing my game and so is Ram .. ! .. i have decided i am just gonna use my cut shots .. ! to Irritate Ram ..
He has to keep his cool while playing..... he broke the ROD and A PLAYER .. ! today .. LMAO ....
Well today was fun ... as soon as we woke up .. we were out .... in my moms word ... we were "" AAWARA "" ... one part i am thankful about is .. ! all three of us have got a driveing license ( alif i hope you read this .. :P:P ) its a pleasure driveing the opel omega.. and i have made Ram promise of never selling that car ... can you belive it .. there is a small button near the gear which says RACE .. muhahah ... i dont think i need to say anything more on that .. ! ..

I love that car .. ! its a beauty .. ! .. We met Ram's dad after that he had to get the car serviced i personally belive he is a serial killer ... his face is sooo fuckinn scary it can KILL you .... plus he has a killer tattoo in his arm ..... !

We had dinner together (after our daily dose of foosball ) at KFC ... well it was fun as well as weird .. coz few kidz there.. tried to frisk Ram .. ! . haha ...
Herk .. aka Herkules .. it was his treat today at KFC no clue why he gave the treat but anywayz it was fun ... Me and Ram .. invented this new word today called .. "" Cheezy ""
well you can call it lameness .. or whatever .. but we simply love that word ... !
its amazeing to bug Ryan by just saying ... "" ehh .. Ryan whatever it is .. YOU just cannot be cheezy about it "" .. :P:P .. our usual fuckall way to rhyme it .. also continued which included cheezy - crispy - tipsy ...etc...
after hogging a lot of KFC and makeing it very difficult to walk we decided to proceed towards the Bur Dubai Creek ... its like our daily adda now ... ! we like to have a smoke there .. coz it aint that far from Karama plus who cares .... we can alwayz drive down .. ! ..
Ram , Ryan and Herkz were talking about Diwali the day me ryan and ram played cards .. till 2 in the morning .. ! well yeah i lost badly .. BUT THEY CHEATED !! ..
We decided to play again .. ! went to my place and decided on playing Teen Patti !! ... Herkz said he knew how to play teen patti / flash .. however when he folded a trail of 10 .. i had doubts over it .. ! ... all in all it was an amazeing day .. ! ... i guess i will be fucked royally day after coz i had planned to do my kichen island plan sheets today however blahh who cares... ! i guess Alfiya or Saniya could come for my rescue .. ! :P ...


Anonymous said...

oh how sweet of u to mention my name.....loser....tht is all u remember me for...dont u........:(:(....hmph......i officially dont lyk u.....

Apurv said...

sorry alfiya you know naa ... ! that i am such a nice guy .. ! .. :P:P dont worry for your kind gesture i will let you win tomorrows 1st foosball game we play .. okiez ??

Apurv said...

sorry alfiya you know naa ... ! that i am such a nice guy .. ! .. :P:P dont worry for your kind gesture i will let you win tomorrows 1st foosball game we play .. okiez ??