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Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Plans Changed...

Today was a major change in decision making, I mean i was thinking about it since like the last 3 weeks but i had to end it somewhere, I was in two minds when i was at DA in the morning, weather to do it or not to do it, because it does cost a lot of money, but then i had to make a choice... I am writing this here, coz i know when i read it often here it will always stay on mind. I am leaving for Venice this Saturday , Sandra is damn excited about it too ! .. Yay !

Milan has been like the usual , super-awesome, It is agreed since we are going to be here for only a year, we should enjoy it to the max, but still there has to be some stage where it has to end, If Aditi and me wouldn't have thought about it, in one of our long walks, in the night we would never come upto such a decision.

We have to stop partying, and spend our money somewhere else, PERIOD ! ..

P.S - Screw you Rohit ! ..

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