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Monday, March 7, 2011

What a weekend ! ..

I was craving to come back to Milan and write, as this is what i like to do and express myself every now and then, Last 4 - 5 days have been totally wicked and crazy. It all started with Saturday morning 7 am , where i was woken up by Natu, as we had to leave for Venice that morning. Its a total miracle and highly unusual that we made it on time to Centralle Station, for the morning train , in fact we had the time to even have coffee and breakfast at the station, we anyways boarded the train 20 minutes before the departure, but then it never has happened that our lives, that everything goes smoothly, it turned out that only me and Natasha were on time, the rest whom we were supposed to go with were terribly late, ( Laura made it like 5 minutes before departure etc. ),

Anyways i slept throughout the next 3 to 4 hours, but was constantly disturbed or maybe distracted by Laura ... lol Anyways, reached Venice, what a city one of the most beautiful cities i have seen, the water,the lakes, the boats, it was great ... Clicked a lot of pictures and the Venice festival was epic, the women, the clothes, the costume, the masks, I wanted to get face painted, but instead opted for a

mask. Natasha also had a sexy looking black and white mask, Had lunch where Laura and many

other people around me got drunk with wine, ! ... Lol and then it all started,

Bitch and Bastard were the only words that came out of her mouth, it was epic, she really had lost it totally, it was crazy at the festival, the concert where we couldnt stop ourselves running around and be in the total venetian spirit of the festival, we left the city around 7 Pm and proceeded towards the station, as usual regarding trains in Italy, my luck is always a fuck up, the moment i reached the platform, the train was moving, and then all the running began, with Natasha leading the way, Laura in all her drunk-ness wanted to do something like a tom cruise stunt of taking a long jump or something and making the train stop as if to say - Stop Bitch, i haven't boarded you ! hahah !, i still remember looking at her while running, and noticing that she had assumed herself as spider-man or something having invincible spider webs, coming out of her hands, in order to stop the train to go.

Anyways, we managed to board it, and again slept as we were very tired, reached Milan, reached Ripa di Porta Tichenese, met Aditi had dinner with her, and then slept there only. The next morning, was infact a very troubled morning, Aditi woke me up, natasha woke up, it was one lazy sunday afternoon, however Monday was Natasha''s birthday, all plans to suprise the fuck out of her had started running in mine and Aditi's mind, we anyways came to a solid plan for the night, I got her

to Cologne intersection at 11.55 pm, Where there were 10 - 15 people giving her the best surprise she could every get, it was awesome, the cake, the wine, her happy face, ... the cold chilli winds, and then ultimately the local bar, at Cologne, had 3 cuba libres, and then i was fucked, i saw Aditi getting drunk on like 8 to 9 wine shots, there was no doubt she was not drunk as me and her already had 2 to 3 wine shots before we left for the surprise, at home…. haha, talk about chindigiri !!

All in all it was a great, night where I also managed to bang into a pole while walking back home with Rohit, the amount of alcohol in my system, and now paying the price of it, by sorting out a massive hangover.

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