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Friday, January 30, 2009

Delhi 6 ...

I am dieing to watch this movie , it seems to be a nice movie ....

Note - Attention all men check out Sonam Kapoor she looks damn hot !

Monday, January 26, 2009

Republic Nation

It was 26th January 1950 when the nation was declared a republic , free from the bound of the British Government , free from all kinds of restrictions, . There were sacrifices made, there were people dead , and the country was divided into two. With bloodshed, lives lost and whatever that the country never wanted I still believe if MK Gandhi did not exist in our struggle to freedom, we would have got our independence long time back , the fact that he is the father of the nation is just a hype and nothing more than that, If and only if revolutionaries had taken charge we would have got independence 100 years back. Its a simple logic if 1 million Indians had shouted and revolted against the British , where would 10000 scared Englishmen run ???... The British were in India for 200 years and it took 100 years for the struggle to start. We still suffer from our nation problems with poverty , corruption at its highest stake, However no nation is perfect, Still we had achieved our Independence, free from governance. A complete democratic government.

Today on 26th January 2008, I salute the nation, and yet again feel proud to be an Indian..

Jaihind ...

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

My Movie Spree

Yes, I am on a movie spree.
Its 6.24 am and i have not slept till now blame it on Sleep Insanity.
I saw Slumdog Millionare and Ghajni today. None of the movies had that "feel good" factor within them. They were good movies agreed but seriously none of them i was like happy to watch. Ghajni had a pathetic ending for the first time i saw a Mallu villain in a bollywood movie, who reminded me of Thomas of all the people. When Ghajini had hit the trailer's i had started to think as to how the movie will be, This is what i had initially thought before watching the movie, Ghajini was the name of the main actress (Asin) who had commited sucide because she and Aamir Khan couldn't get married 'coz of Asin's parents after that Aamir Khan commits suicide too . Aamir Khan has a re-incarnation and decides to take revenge from the Inlaws,but has this 15 min memory which goes on and off like a old fuse of a bulb (Don't blame me, i am really jobless these days after exams, i have SERIOUSLY nothing to do) .
Slumdog Millionare consisted of this deep, harrowing, sad story for atleast 85% of the movie. A film which triumphs community over social class? I would actually recommend Slumdog Millionare over Ghajni.
My ratings are as follows
Ghajini - 7/10
Slumdog Millionare -9/10
Ghajini had somewhere in the middle got boring , Jiah Khan looked Hot throughout the movie. (Don't get your hopes high, This had nothing related to Nishabd) . She didn't have skimpy clothes on neither did she have a 60 year old guy to really have an affair with.
Besides Aamir Khan , Jiah Khan and Asin i really didn't find anyone worth in the movie, If they had included people whom the local audience could identify with ,the movie could have been better. Now i actually wonder as to why did my mom didn't like Aamir Khan in Ghajini.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Am i turning into a women ?

Earlier just to freak out Aakriti i used to say to her things that might give an indication that i am turning into a women, but something is odd , something is really REALLY weird this past one week. I think i am turning into a women, i don't have much proof for this - for example i don't have men staring at my chest when i talk to them nor do they open the door for me and stare at my ass when i leave the room... but i do have this major feeling that i am more of a women than a man.
Everything was fine till today mom told me and Arushi to fetch few things from Lamcy.
After 90 Min's of shopping at Lamcy Plaza , i refused to push the trolley i mean wasn't that a guys job to do ? . I even started to arrange the items (eggs, aerated drinks , juice , toilet paper) , initially i used to just stack them one over the other but it seemed that i had actually started to arrange them in a systematic way. I realized that when i am a women i hate it if eggs touch toilet paper.
There are three things that men do in a Supermarket
1.Drive down and search for parking endlessly
2.Push the trolley
3. Stare at other girls
I didn't feel like doing any of these.
On my way back , i hit a car in the parking lot while i was trying to get the car out. There was a guy who was a Lebanese by his looks standing a little away . Since my window was up , I could only Lip read this is what i could manage " You Motherfucker why are you driving like a lady ? "
Once inside the house, I couldn't relax till I had arranged all the edibles inside the fridge and the other items in the kitchen cabinets
Later in the evening , i had to meet Ria and Rahul at Times Cafe. I ordered a Fosters beer and i didn't like the taste. Was i not drinking beer 'coz it can make you burp endlessly or was i acting like a women ? I seriously don't know
I told mom that i would like to come to her friends house for dinner which she had planned like a week back or so, I din’t tell her that I had this huge urge to join the ladies for their 9 pm. to 10 pm. dinner talk where everything from diaper rashes to school fees was discussed and digested.
BTW FYI mom has this friend called Divya , and her daughter Risha is like very hot, initially my sole reason was to meet her but when i went there , for some apparent reason i got bored talking to her, i was admiring her dressing table more than anything.
Somehow,Doritos seemed boring to me today while watching TV, Saas Bahu serials have a lot controversy i also found out today.

Note: If you are a lady, you probably understand the symptoms better – can you tell me the truth…am I turning into a woman? If yes, I would like to know your thoughts on same gender sex?

Monday, January 12, 2009

Residential Design ... Serious ?

So its RD that has kept me occupied for the last 10 days, Conceptual Designs are a pain trust me they are really a pain. Thinking of concepts I do have something in mind , what about 1960 or 1970 ? .. Is there anything i can really use of that ? Old Radio Transmission and Rocking Chair as furniture ? Too lame and boring , but at the same time Retro is not useful in anyway. Toh basically Meri toh lag gayi hain ! .. i have not decided anything and i have VERY few hours in hand.

This is one exam that i really need to pass , Pass but how? .. kaise ? .. I really wish the beg, borrow, steal theory would work on this also like it does in other cases. I really don't have good experiences of using this theory before and its because of that i haven't given my 1st exam,(Yes Mahe Manipal gives 100% importance to Plagiarism . Screw You ! )

Tonight i am doomed, nothing seems to be going my way. I don't have a concept so that makes SURE that i am not prepared for tomorrow's exam AT ALL, its not that i don't really want to work, My old principle of " I am not lazy i just don't want to work " has gone absolute and i rarely follow that nowadays, rarely is a wrong word here probably.

I was an idiot that i was over-confident about this exam, now i am not, in fact i regret it. Internal Marks for RD don't give a smile on my face either, So now its luck its pure simple luck that i will have to face tomorrow.

Hopefully if what my "evil" mind is thinking right now .... I WILL PASS!!!

P.S- I am telling you the world revolves around this word called "Jugaad" if not the world at least Interior Design does ... :P

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Crossing One's Tea...

I dont know what you are addicted to , but off late i am addicted to Tea . It is a fact that i think i do have very few friends, and when you really need to talk to someone, i think over cigarettes and Tea is like the best thing. Sammy and Ryan would know better. Personally any kind of Tea would do for me - be it Green Tea , White Tea , Herbal Tea or my favourite Disco Chai. No you dont start dancing after having it its just a name given to a Tea by some Mallu Cafe nearby.It is funny how an Indian sitting in Dubai is writing about something that the Chinese discovered and the Japanese added flavour to. The reason being that i am so fed up of my portfolio that i am surfing endlessly on various sites on Tea out of all things possible.:S

Anyways it is believed that the Chinese discovered tea when some tea leaves accidentally fell into a pot of boiling water. Now my question is – who threw in the milk and sugar?
I am not the only one who is addicted to tea of any kind. Over the years, Indian culture & customs have been influenced by tea. Customs were influenced less by tea and more by tea smugglers, Lol.

It is said that an American improvised on tea and came up with the concept of “Iced Tea.” What beats me is that they did it in 1904 (at the 1904 World Fair St. Louis) when refrigerators were not available in a normal household. And even if refrigerators were available ….how did some random tea leaves fly into a refrigerator? Wasn’t the refrigerator door closed?
Americans live by improvising. Besides the telephone, I know of nothing that has been invented (or discovered) by the Americans. Why…they needed Christopher Colombus, an Italian sailor working for a Spanish queen, to discover their own country – the Americas!

Maybe you aren’t aware of this….in the United States of America, 90% of the tea consumed is black. And in India and Dubai 90% of the tea consumed is white (with milk that is). Ironic isn’t it - white men having black tea and black men having white tea?

According to the tea historian, whose article I have been reading for the time being , after becoming popular in China, Japan and America….tea started filtering into Europe in the 17th century. Now, my question is….if tea was all filtered…how did the Europeans ever get the tea leaves? And what a big filter it should have been. The one that I use in my house to filter tea into the tea cup has a diameter of ten centimeters.
In Europe, tea first filtered into Holland and France. In Holland it is popular to this day, but in France wine has taken over. There were a few benefits that wine offered over and above tea, and we are not talking about the alcohol content.
Some of the differences that the French saw before they shifted away from tea are:
• Wine didn’t need a heating unit
• Wine didn’t need to be filtered
• Wine didn’t need milk to be added
After such a long, boring article….if only someone can make me a cup of tea...

Saturday, January 10, 2009


Today , Saturday January 9thth 2009 will be remembered. I lost 50 buks , I had an accident at floating bridge, I broke up with Aakriti. What more can you ask for ? Nothing , i think that is more than enough. To make matters worse i havnt studied much since morning. ( Indra would be smiling wouldnt she ? .. ) . Sometimes you probably think as to where can you go wrong in a relationship , you can try your level best but it just never works, its more like you are banging your head against a wall, why bother ?.. My suggesstion to anyone who might be reading this is DO NOT commit the mistake of getting into a relationship but incase you have DO TELL ME i would love to laugh. I spoke to Sadiq today unusually if something doomed has to happen it will happen to both of us together, the moment i told him about me and Aakriti , his cellphone rang and it was Maria they spoke for a while and after a while he said " Dude I think Maria wants to break up with me " , all i could do was laugh and nothing more. Before he was trying to cheer me up and now both of us, Lol .

For some unusual reason Mrudvi Bakshi came up in my mind today, i dont know why but yes i did think about her today, always i have heard when you break up with your gf , your gf's best friend is the reason, earlier i used to think it was her HER HER, but actually not. I dont blame the failure of my relationship to anyone, i belive in just being single and happy from now on, I have started to think about Pranay , his idology and principles in life are pretty clear, "" Stay single and be happy take life as it comes, never get serious."" . Sometimes that dude actually makes sense no matter what he says. So now officially i declare that among the 4 of us ( Karan, Alif , Pranay, and me ) ... Karan and Alif seem to be the only ones who seem to be commited. I hope Karan and Kamna dont break up, it doesnt seem they will, But Alif if his deep secret is hidden from Vinisha well yeah maybe then there is a chance...

Aahh thinking about Vinisha, i hope one day she comes to know who was actually right between me and Leena, I WASNT 2 TIMING ..... I SWEAR. As college reopens now on Sunday, i know what exactly is going to happen, Khadija will probably come screaming at me , and the following conversation would take place.

Khadija: Tum Breakup kaise kar sakte hon ?

Apurv: Kyon nahi karsakta?

Khadija:CHUP KARJAO TUM !@$#@@$#$

Apurv: Huh ??

Khadija has this uncanny habbit of really acting mad sometimes, but she is a sweet female. I fear her kids because the way she is when she is pissed off can scare anyone possible, Can you belive it she actually sprained Aamir's Neck ! .. LOL ! or maybe i am expecting Ms Mrudvi Bakshi to come again and start rambleing at the top of her voice making no sense whatsoever , but then who really cares ?.. I personally dont, and i dont want to either. She can say what she wants it doesnt really affect , i sometimes wonder why are so many people related to a relationship , isint it just the guy and the chick ? They are like too many people attached to it , Your friends , her friends everyone , its more like if we breakup , they will die..Can't the guy and the chick like talk among themselves and sort/screw everything. But NO this is Mahe Manipal, anyone who patches up/breaks up/makes out/Sex/Strip it has to become a new thing to talk about, i think Mahe Manipal survives on rumors. (ohh btw did you hear Mahe Manipal has a MMS too, lol .. yes very few ppl know about it .. but it does it seems 2 chicks from 1st year Mass Comm are in it.. cool eh ?)

Tomorrow i might be meeting my godmother , she has finally arrived back from Oz.---> Ria as she has told me online she would like to know each and every detail of what happened with Aakriti and she would like to meet her , that is something that wouldn't be happening in the near future.

I have also come up to a decision, I plan to be stoned on 17th the day i return to Delhi .. Peace :)

Thursday, January 8, 2009

When i got online...

It must be 5 or 6 years back that i might have used the internet for the 1st time, it was kind of cool in school days , having your own Email and all ... though it sounds pretty lame now as a my cousin who is 5 years old has her own Email Id , thats Narayani Bhatnagar for you , elders though tell me that i was a brat when i was a kid (am i still one ?), wait till you meet her .. Anyways back to the topic , i remember i had initially had started chatting in chat rooms via Yahoo! Messenger havin the most cheeziest of id nicks (yeah you can laugh over it but its better than coolboy, or hotboy or angelgirl)... Today I logged onto my account after like a year or so. Yahoo! has this unique feature of automatically saving all your past conversations online, that is if you would have used yahoo! messenger.

The Net was just right for me. I could lie , I could pretend i could say anything to anyone.

Here are few transcripts that actually took place about 5 years ago.

Vital Info- My Id is buzzing_around2002

6.30 p.m.

buzzing_around2002: Hi
pleazemeetme: ASL pls
pleazemeetme: Are you a guy or a girl?
buzzing_around2002: Guy. Why?
pleazemeetme: Fuck off you punk. !!
Later I would come to know that pleazemeetme was a guy looking for a girl.

6.45 p.m.
buzzing_around2002: Hi
meetmeinheaven: asl?
buzzing_around2002: You mean sex?
meetmeinheaven: Yes. How did you know what I was thinking?
buzzing_around2002: Just like that. I am a guy.
meetmeinheaven: Then why do you want to have sex with me?
buzzing_around2002: When did I say that?
meetmeinheaven:Buzz off you fruit cake (incase you did not know, it means a homo i got to know that later)
This guy was desperate.

7.00 p.m.
buzzing_around2002: asl?
pinky190479: 15/F/Lukhnow
buzzing_around2002: whats that?
pinky190479: My asl dumbo.
buzzing_around2002: Does asl mean age, sex and location?
pinky190479: Yes. Guess you are too dumb. Bye.
buzzing_around2002: No…no.. I am new to chat.
pinky190479: That’s fine. Bye.
By now, I had smartened up and realized that on the net the guys are looking for girls. And girls too are looking for girls.

7.15 p.m
radhika_kumar (BTW, this is me): Hi
radhika_kumar: asl?
jaya_bisht79: 18/F/Nanital (UP)
radhika_kumar: Cool.
jaya_bisht79: Your asl?
radhika_kumar: 18/F/New Delhi
jaya_bisht79: Thats neat.
radhika_kumar: So what do you do?
jaya_bisht79: I am a student doing Commerce with Maths.
radhika_kumar: I cannot believe my luck. My brother is into science and he wants to shift to commerce. He had some doubts.
jaya_bisht79: What kind?
radhika_kumar: If it is worth everything, salary expected …you know that kind. If it is ok with you, shall I give him your id?
jaya_bisht79: Hm….fine. Should not be a problem. Is he online?
radhika_kumar: No he is not online now. I just called him up and gave him your id. BTW, his yahoo id is buzzing_around2002
jaya_bisht79: No hassles.
radhika_kumar: That is really nice of you. He will get in touch with you shortly. I will log off now , takecare bye bye .

Fifteen minutes after I logged off, I logged in again, this time as buzzing_around2002. We struck the right chord. She is still my chat friend and keeps enquiring about my sister Radhika Kumar,though we speak rarely nowadays

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Taj Mahal , Its FAKE

Its true i am not allowed to give my History exam thankx to Ms.Indira Barve ( !@#!$!$ ) , so since i will have to give this exam again, i have been preparing for my other exams and believe it or not, it is going pretty well. My portfolio's have come out pretty well. I have my Islamic Architecture exam on Thursday and i have done somewhat preparation on it, We do have a set of 40 questions which we got to learn and then on the exam day you will have 20 questions from it ... There was this question write a note on the Taj Mahal. and the answer started as to why it was built ? Who built it ? .. blah blah . Come to think of it i have another version of it altogether. Few of you will be angry with me but personally i don't think that Shah Jahan ever fell in love with Mumtaz Mahal and built such a massive mausoleum for her ...

If some random guy told me that Shah Jahan built it for his wife Mumtaz Mahal i would readily agree to it but now since historians have confirmed it , I really don't buy that story. I have arrived at this from my own experiences. The last thing i built for Aakriti was neither the India Gate nor the Jama Masjid, but instead a hand made card on our 3rd month anniversary. I spoke to a friend of mine Vikrant about this and he said that the only thing he gave Candice ever was a wooden purse with a security code... ( Yes in Paris you do get that )

You could endlessly argue with me that Shah Jahan and Mumtaz Mahal lived in a period where true love blossomed. But even then , I am pretty sure that it would not have been possible for Shah Jahan to love his wife the same for over 20 years. Perhaps it was good for Shah Jahan that his wife was no longer alive when he started building the Taj otherwise he would have stopped it a 100 times ...

Remember that story that Shah Jahan had cut the thumbs of all his workers after the Taj Mahal was erected, so that the Taj Mahal wouldn't be made ever again (talk about copyright laws). This is all crap, utter Bullshit. Here is the true story : The day the thumbs were cut, Shah Jahan remembered how one day Mumtaz had refused to serve him dinner. Mumtaz had been on the phone with her mother the whole day long, and hence could not serve dinner for Shah Jahan. This had completely pissed off the King of the World, he could not do anything about it... But now as she was dead he could take independent decisions , so he stopped all the work at the Taj and ordered the thumbs of all craftsmen to be cut.

It was not until next morning that Shah Jahan resumed all word at the site. My guess is Shah Jahan remembered how his wife served him otherwise (don't forget the couple had 14 kids)

Initially the Taj Mahal was supposed to be a tribute to his wife Mumtaz Mahal ONLY, but when she died Shah Jahan decided to combine the five other tributes that he was planning to build (for his earlier girlfriends) with the Taj Mahal. That is why today you see one tomb and four Minarets along with it. You probably wonder what the hell happened to the 5th Girlfriend, that is why the Taj Mahal is built on the banks of the river Yamuna. His 5th gf's name was Yamuna.

I know you wont believe me ... But neither do i believe myself ...

Is this really the exam pressure ?? .. :S:S:S

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

I Love you ....... (Yes i am waiting for a reply)

Gone are the days when " I love you " would actually evoke a reply from my girlfriend. I say echo because she used to give me this romantic look and reply "I love you too". Now i can say it comes under the concept of "Purani yaadien". Now that we have been dating for like a year now, things seem to be changing a bit. We have our usual fights but alls well, we patch up in like an hour of ( no talking , no smses to each other ) . I love you no longer gives me those romantic looks, they no longer get me the similar feeling if not, similar sounding words....
I wouldn't have put it up for the world to see (not that people don't have any other work other than to check blogs) if it had not been for what happened today afternoon, I was studying and she had called me, this is how our conversation went ..
Aakriti: Hey
Me:Hi wats up?
Aakriti: Nothing much .. just been busy with the coming up examz .. Eco Sucks !!
Me: Umm yeah it does ...
Aakriti: How are you coping up with your examz ?
Me: Pretty good ..
Aakriti: Are you free for 3 hours tomorrow ?
Me: It depends .. anywayz whatz the plan ?
Aakriti: No i plan to go to the creek and study
Me:huh ?
Aakriti: Umm yeah i will study there our purana aada .. will you come ?
Me: I dont know .. not sure..
Aakriti: OK BYE ! i have to study
Me: Hmm ... bye i have to study too .. Love you ..
**** The phone got Disconnected this convo must have lasted for like barely few minutes and thats how it had to really end ...

There was a time when my "I love you" had positive responses, so much that i had to give a call to Alfiya or Saniya to tell them that i will be somewhat late to class, which eventually i used to never go for. Over the past one year, the responses that i have actually got from her have been quite dwindling. Here is a list of responses that i have got from her

IMPORTANT- We started dating "Officially" on 11th December 2007

January 11th 2008
Me: I love you
Aakriti: I love you too

March 22nd 2008
Me: I love you
Aakriti: You look good when you wear your black Kurta ..
Me: :S

June 18th 2008
Me: I love you
Aakriti: I am missing you .. :(

July 29th 2008
Me: I love you
Aakriti: You have to quit smoking its been 3 months i have been telling you this...

September 18th 2008
Me: I love you
Aakriti: You have to quit smoking its been 5 months now ... 6 cigarettes per day now -- PERIOD !!

November 24th 2008
Me:I love you
Aakriti: Hey isin't your Bday coming soon ??

December 17th 2008
Me: I love you
Aakriti: Umm yeah uhhh.... (yawn) .. me too !

January 5th 2009
Me: I love you
Aakriti : I am sorry i wont be able to meet you in the evening as i have to study.. ( Bullshit ) ... and then my parents will be at home so i wont be able to call you either anywayz... take care Bye ..! ..

(And now as i am guessing ... )
January 1st 2015
Me: I love you ..
Aakriti: So ??? ...

So much for Relationships ...
A quick question before i bid adieu and go again working on my Residential Design Portfolio ...
Question: If your girlfriend puts poison on her boyfriends pea soup how will he die ?
Answer: Peas-fully .... Lmao

Yes i take immense pleasure and appreciation for my lameness .. :p

Saturday, January 3, 2009


So Design isn't really that bad , well off course you got to study and work your ass off and yes for the last one week i am doing that , i had to research a lot for my residential design portfolio , and i came across some designs which can be described in just one word " wicked " , whosoever has designed these has really a wicked mind. (Screw you Iyer you don't teach us to do these things...) It looks cool too. I must admit it may not be practical enough but still never the less, it is pretty cool. The day probably when i aim to design something , i might be able to get an end product as crazy/wicked/sexy as these ... :)

This was on the right is really cool . You have to admit that , it could give you your 8 hours of Fame and that too every night :) . Perhaps it could guarantee to encourage beautiful dreams. I will be searching as to where to get these , i wouldn't really mind getting these pillows. EBay ??

Till about last month i was really not aware of these cigarette cases till the time i saw one of my classmates in college carrying one everyday . It was one of those Gothic/rock ones. I was still fascinated with it and wanted to get one for myself, but now after seeing this i have changed my mind. I WANT THIS !!! ... Smoking is like a sin in my family and yes i had broken that law sometime back, but this is a innovative way to really camouflage that.

Who said that smoking is injurious to your health when it gives you innovative ideas like these.

I do like reading books and i do like eggs in the morning, now this is ultimate creativity, The dude who designed this is a Pakistani and settled in New York, and works as a freelancer for a firm in New York. I have a lot of respect for him because i did see quite a lot of his designs and his designs are pretty funny and artistic as well. Though this is just a design, it is not yet in the market as such, with things like IKEA and HomeCentre present in the market, i doubt if these things i could find in their respective showrooms. IKEA does have decent good stuff but not the wicked things that i have actually mentioned in this post. Anything to do with Apple, and designers start scratching their heads to come up with something and perhaps i guess it has happened this time too. Apple @ Coffee tables. Innovation is the only word perhaps which could be said in this. I personally would never be able to think to create something like this, but it looks cool and trendy, I did use a Apple I phone sometime back and have to say that it was a crappy phone, unless you are happy with conversations that sound as if you are under water ...

Well i would be using some of these in my portfolio for Residential Design hope they come in use and well appreciated on the day of viva ...