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Saturday, October 25, 2008

Marriage ??? Anyone ??

My girlfriend and me had this conversation last night .. !! ..she asked me this question ... "" will you ever leave me ?? ... "" it sounded more like "" i hope you will never leave me ?? "" .. it seems a odd question for me .. ( after completein 9 months a question comein up like this seems pretty off ) ....
anywayz... later on i was havein a smoke .. when i thought about this concept called marriage ..
If being single is on the right side of marriage .... being married is the wrong side of marriage .. then being divorced is on which side ??? .. the right side or the wrong side.. or is it the worst of the two worlds ??
Typically men and women i think go into marriage for myriad of reasons....they go into it for companionship , for sex , for stability or just to legalise ( socially acceptable ) their existing relationships
Why does a married couple decides to go in for a divorce anywayz? if you ask my girlfriend she will tell you that women start to hate all those very things in men which they loved them before marriage ! .. i think people need to go in for a divorce because thingz are not working out as they had planned it / envisaged it ... their relationship is not at the level they would want it to be ( that again could be for a variety of reasons ) this is not to say if the above conditions are met everytime it results in a divorce.
We as human beings are more resilient and adaptive than what we get credit for , we usually like to take all available options before taking the final plunge !! its not
easy taking that final plunge , as its not easy to ending a relationship in which one has invested so much of our time and energy onto it , there is societal pressure more for the women and haveing kids also creates complications.
So if one has had a divorce where does that person stand as compared to her unmarried and married compatriots .... I use the word "" she "" here as an indicative for both men and women .. In an ideal sitchuation and in a free society i feel she is in a better position as compared to the other two. She has had a chance to see life from both sides ( both the best and the worst ) and she is in a position to decide where does she want it to take it from there ?? she may decide to take some time off and not marry for sometime or forever and she may decide to focus on her long lost career without havin to invest time in her relationship!!! ... or she could be smart from her previous experience and know exactly what to look in for a man ( husband / boyfriend ?? ) . She would know exactly what problems crop up after marriage and try to make an agreement on those before marriage . I personally think its a very exciteing crossroad to be in, noone plans to be here but if one does get here one should make the best of the situation....Every situation has its positives and negatives ... the negatives of being in a divorce we very well know .. as it is drilled in our heads by the society and people around us ... however noone tells the positives of the situation to us .....
I say all this in an ideal situation and free society.... I’ll restrict myself to the Indian society because that’s where most of my experiences and interactions are based...... A divorced man is now much more socially acceptable than what was the case even a few years back and if he decides to get married he usually doesn’t face any problems getting remarried......... Usually his ex-wife had some “problems” and the poor man was left with no option but to file for a divorce!..... (I say usually here because I know of some exceptions where I see no reason why those men shouldn’t be happily married)..... Now the divorced man may not have it so easy getting remarried it is definitely not half as hard as the divorced woman......
A divorced woman is still in the process of getting socially acceptable.... I think urban parents are now starting to advice divorce for their daughters who are in marriages that just don’t work......... (Again this is on the basis of my experience and interaction)...... Also young women are more sure of themselves than what they were lets say 10 years back, a single woman with children is not a rare feature anymore....... Women are able to support themselves through their jobs and also her friends network usually jumps into help ........the fact she also gets more than her share of men trying to get “close” to her is always a pain....... It is still difficult for a divorced woman to get married, most cases that I know of .......the women get married to their friends/colleagues whom they have known for some time and who understand that there is more to that woman than just that stamp of divorce!

I think it would be fair to say that it is an indicator of how much a society has evolved by the way it treats a divorced woman..... while we are not as bad as what we 'used to be we still aren’t there as yet.....

1 comment:

@Mb3R said...

According to me the qusetion asked by your gf was pretty much valid. Not that she dsnt trust you or hv faith in u bt i gess she jus wnts 2 be assured...good and bonded relationships brk up aftr many yrs and urs is jus a mere 9 months!!!
Regarding the whole concept of India it is still considered a taboo 4 a woman 2 be divorced. Our country has progressed but the people still believe in abiding by the cultures and traditions. It might not make a difference to many when it comes to divorce!
The best example is Shobha De who has had multiple marriages but is a strong woman and has her individuality!! Not that i have any grudges against her...infact i admire her for her guts,but im sure there are still many people in our country who would consider her demeaning the culture!!
In my opinion a person should only commit to marriage if he/she thinks that they can live up to the expectations,compromise and stay committed to their partner for years together.
I've witnessed marriages that have lasted long or rather forever and if those couples can do it then im sure everyone can. Marriages are successful when there is love bonding ,understanding,faith and the most important TRUST between two people.No matter how many fights you have with your partner at the end of it both (the man and the woman) should learn how to compromise with each other to make the relation work. Im sure if there is true love between the two it cant lead to a divorce because the very thought of separation brings jitters to the couple!!
Im saying this with personal experience...(i didnt give up hope on my boyfriend and im glad i didnt cos im really happy to be in a relation with him now):D