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Saturday, October 25, 2008

Did i loose my religion ?

My parents have subscribed to this magzine called The Outlook ... ! Each issue covers random topics to it like for example last month it was on Politics ... ! there are essayz written by people who are authorities on the topic ... then there are certain other cartoons .. depictinn the topic etc etc...Each issue for me is a refreshingly new experience ... ! the last issue which i read was on Crime ...among the thingz which they had written ... there was Communal Violence which really got my attention .. ! i wanted to write about it from a long period of time however just dint know where to start it ... it is also easy to get negative about the whole thing and then i loose the point altogether

Communal Violence as i understand violence based among other things --- Religion !!
This is something which i have failed to understand for a long time .. !
i have seen people fighting over land , women , money , even television remotes but never over the concept of religion ... But why religion ?? ... We dont even choose our religion .. we kind off inherit our religion at birth from our parents .. But then religion is something we try to hang on closely ... i personally didnt .. ! i never could understand it anywayz .. and gave up on it long time back .. !
Anywayz as i start analyzein it ! .. it is easy to see why communal violence happens

India as our forefathers saw it was alwayz a Secular country where there was no discrimination on the basis of religion. All religions are equal . BUT even after centuries of these religions mingling together i find the minority communities still liveinn in small clustered areas. Most of these dwellings will be haveing one place of worship and most of the shops in the sorrounding areas will be owned by the people of the same community . Depending on where you go ... inter-religious marriges are still frowned upon even by the majority community
Before comeing to Dubai i had no clue about festivals like EID ...
i had no idea as what it is to celebrate eid ... what is the whole history / idea behind it ? ..
Back in India we still dont know too much about each other's festivals even though we have lived with each other for generations . As in a country like ours , where different religions have co-existed for centuries. i would expect current thinking and ideas ( even education ) to draw upon the knowledge and wisdom from all these religions like language for example.
to my mind there is a lack of understanding and knowledge of other religions and how are they different paths to the same ... stupid dumb concept called GOD !!!
It is precisely this ignorance which shows its ugly face in the form of communal violence. Ignorance you see can breed a lot of negative attributes like fear, hatred etc... When we strike violently against someone isint it a act of a combination of hared and fear ? Fear because the other person ability to bring harm to us and hatred because we percieve he has or plans to being harm to us. This ignorance when combined with thingz like lack of economic opportunities , hunger and some mischevious economic leaders , becomes this huge demon which is all ready to spout fire at the other community ... This could take the form of demolishing century old mosques , rapeing nuns , burning clerics alive and even demanding a hindu state

according to me ..there are 2 wayz to stop this kind of violence
1 . by effectively clamping down on the people who do the violence and the people who plan it right to the last fire
2. by education bringing down unemployment
Both solutions are easier said and done and i dont see anything been done or any of these counts
Sometimes i get all cynical and wonder given these conditions why isint there like a major riot each year and at each others religious festivals ???
Last year coz of Ayodhya and Godra riot in Gujrat the kind of nonsense that was dished out in the front pages makes me shiver as i think of what kind of mind does it make to make these statements and what else is that devious mind capable of ???

The other day i was finding some intresting quotes for my sister's project i came across this one...

Harvey Milk, at a 1978 Gay Freedom Day Rally. (Harvey Milk was killed later that year by a fanatic).
"The fact is that more people have been slaughtered in the name of religion than for any other single reason. That, THAT my friends, is true perversion."

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