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Monday, June 8, 2009

The mirror has many faces...

Sometimes when i sleep i am in the arms of my own dreams , they take me where-ever they wish to in their own dreamland. I see myself in a problem , a problem that cannot be solved and my mind racing with all possible solutions towards it. Alas , there are no concrete solutions to it. The preceding conclusion to it that i wake up with my mnd being in a frenzy and a whole aching body.
One of my dreams has me standing in one of those old fashioned trial rooms with mirrors on all sides and if you look into one mirror then you see multiple reflections of the same you. I like to focus on only one of the many images that I can see and try to ignore the other images. It is almost as if I like that particular image of myself and I want to keep focusing on that as I stand in the trial room.
One of these nights when I had this dream, I had trouble focusing on that image and the whole effort of it broke my sleep and I got up and started to think about this dream and its implications in real life. To me the parallels with real life were easy to draw. I see myself, as I am today, in many images and I like to potray myself in different images to different people. All of the images put together would probably define me the best rather than each image by itself. Each image has its element of truth, hope and fantasy. There is some truth or the image wouldn’t have generated to begin with but I also hope and fantasise about completely being the person that I seek to potray in my image. Sometimes the image comes out unconsciously without me knowing it.
Reading through the archives of my blog I see images of myself that I didn’t know existed. If I now had to sit and write on the same issues I would probably churn out a totally different post. Totally different thought process and conclusion.In all this there is how I imagine myself to be. That one image that I focus on in my dream and that I like the most. That is how I imagine myself to be. Under the harsh gaze of my eyes sometimes this image breaks down to nothing and I stand naked in front of the mirror just the way I am.
Growing up I was horrified at seeing myself without an image but now I have come to like myself better this way. The image is slowly changing and it is resembling more and more of me. It is becoming more and more like a glass which is slowly getting cleared. The process is not easy but it is gratifying to say the least. The world looks much clearer now. I want to say simpler but I don’t think that is the case, atleast not yet.

1 comment:

@Mb3R said...

hmm...i had blogged abt "Life takes turns" and i gess its an answer to the 1 u hv jus written abt...Life is more like a race track where the racer awaits every turn and what beholds after each one of them... either its successfully crossing them or death!!
In ur case i gess u hv already chosen the path and ur image is clearly defined but its jus tht the dirt and grime of dirty politics has 2 b washed away and lo behold in no time u'll reach ur destiny!!!
Best of luck Apurv & im sure u'll make it!!:D