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Saturday, June 13, 2009

How she loved a imperfect person perfectly ?

The title is apt, its just about how she fell in love with a moron like me, and the moron managed to take a commited stance to it ...:) Since a very long time I wanted to write about this, but just didn’t know where to start from, but this just comes from my inner most feelings for her...
It always happens that you are so busy in your own world, that you do not realize how important you are for another person. There were times when I was low and needed someone just to talk, or perhaps just to take my frustrations off, but there were also times that I was very eager to share something.
Initially I never took her seriously for anything but she is the one whom I can connect to. Sometimes I do feel kidnapped whenever I am with her , as I tend to deal with everything that is around me, maybe into another world itself where its just about me and her. As of today I don’t really feel the need to be alone anytime as she has been there with me every single moment, it was my mistake earlier that I never took anything in a relationship as meaningful or valuable, Hell! I didn’t even know the meaning of the word "relationship" …
I was taught by my "good friends", that flings is the motto of life and live by it. Well on the other hand I don’t really blame them, as they were not as lucky as I have been to find someone as her.
There cannot be anyone that could replace Amber from my life , without her there would be no life , there wouldn’t be anything that I could live for. If you actually come to a solid point she is the only one who can laugh at my jokes. Slowly she is trying to understand my sense of humor, though she tries to crack a joke somewhere or the other, (Ask her about the B-Silent joke, You will not survive it) but she is kind of far not really close. So yeah in that particular way it's just a fact that she is only one who can tolerate my "nonsense".
Past 1 year and 6 months have been great, we saw a lot of positives as well as negatives, and not to forget a lot of goof-ups, which had landed both of us into trouble. I am happy and thankful that she has managed to bear me for the last 18 months, and I hope for the coming years she can continue to do so to the best of her capabilities. The journey ahead may not be good , it might have a lot of speed-breakers, but with you by my side I can fight the world, and together we will do it …

P.S – Yes Aaku I can be corny using the internet as well , But yeah who really cares ?..No one reads this blog anyways… Also this post was Manjeet's Idea ...:)


@Mb3R said...
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SAZ said...
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Apurv said...

Nah , Dont thank me, thank Manjeet ..She was the one who told me todo this .. :)