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Friday, February 13, 2009

As i sit here..

I write this keeping in view my mental status

As i sit here, I see smoke rising over my head as if giving me an indication to something. My thoughts go to endless days of thinking mindlessly. Sometimes you just want to waste time thinking about nothing , you just wish to be alone and have your own space. You need your bubble of solitude.

As i sit here, i can see the clock ticking and think as to how fast life is passing. A moment back i was in school chasing a football and now i am staring at a design portfolio. Life lived now will be history the next second. A moment lost , a moment that cannot be revived back , a moment that is finished.

As i sit here, i think of all the dreams that i saw, all those dreams that forced me to believe that it is wiser to be awake than to dream. Dreams that saw aspirations are buried, and ambitions drowning.

As i sit here, i think that till now i have had some highs and some lows. Some were good days and some were bad days. It is a flashback of memory. A black and white photo reel that is running reminding me of each and everything. The mistakes that costed me and the risks that gifted me.

As i sit here, i hope this darkness ends, giving way to a new hope. It ends the struggle. It gives me the required strength to collide with it. A new ray .... A new beginning.

As i sit here, i hope that i am wiser today than what i was yesterday. I learn to be more forgiving. I learn to appreciate life. I can hope that i am stronger and live life today , now and this moment


ellion said...

hey apurv nice one it's got me thinking now......

Anonymous said...

Nicely written.

Unknown said...

Thank You .. :)