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Saturday, January 29, 2011

Its just different or not ...

I have been a guy for the last 2 decades, and i have had a lot of friends throughout, i never had problems in making new friends, some were awesome well yeah some were not , but its crazy to talk to a women about the same stuff you do with your best mate. I mean i cant help it, If you do have women friends you will agree with me as well, if you are like even 1% like me you will know that i do the following.

1. I will talk unnecessarily and sometimes without making any sense.
2. I will like to look at women , and only look.
3. I seem to acknowledge the fact that women are not sex objects.
4. Also, Women object to sex. :P
5. I have absolutely no interest in porn, that was for school time sake , its quite boring now.

How can you really talk about the same stuff ? , it feels awkward however with me , i do things and then regret it, so this is how today's conversation goes with Aditi

Me : Dude , check her out, Awesome figure isint it ?
Her : Yeah .. k

Yeah k , YEAH K ! ... since where did that become a thing to even say anything ? haha
It would have been awesome if the conversation had been :-

Me : Dude, Check her out, Awesome figure isint it ?
Her : Are you serious ? .. That is like a black transparent , that is totally awesome that is like the biggest boobs ever.

I am just dreaming, i know she cant say anything to even close to that....

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