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Sunday, January 18, 2009

Am i turning into a women ?

Earlier just to freak out Aakriti i used to say to her things that might give an indication that i am turning into a women, but something is odd , something is really REALLY weird this past one week. I think i am turning into a women, i don't have much proof for this - for example i don't have men staring at my chest when i talk to them nor do they open the door for me and stare at my ass when i leave the room... but i do have this major feeling that i am more of a women than a man.
Everything was fine till today mom told me and Arushi to fetch few things from Lamcy.
After 90 Min's of shopping at Lamcy Plaza , i refused to push the trolley i mean wasn't that a guys job to do ? . I even started to arrange the items (eggs, aerated drinks , juice , toilet paper) , initially i used to just stack them one over the other but it seemed that i had actually started to arrange them in a systematic way. I realized that when i am a women i hate it if eggs touch toilet paper.
There are three things that men do in a Supermarket
1.Drive down and search for parking endlessly
2.Push the trolley
3. Stare at other girls
I didn't feel like doing any of these.
On my way back , i hit a car in the parking lot while i was trying to get the car out. There was a guy who was a Lebanese by his looks standing a little away . Since my window was up , I could only Lip read this is what i could manage " You Motherfucker why are you driving like a lady ? "
Once inside the house, I couldn't relax till I had arranged all the edibles inside the fridge and the other items in the kitchen cabinets
Later in the evening , i had to meet Ria and Rahul at Times Cafe. I ordered a Fosters beer and i didn't like the taste. Was i not drinking beer 'coz it can make you burp endlessly or was i acting like a women ? I seriously don't know
I told mom that i would like to come to her friends house for dinner which she had planned like a week back or so, I din’t tell her that I had this huge urge to join the ladies for their 9 pm. to 10 pm. dinner talk where everything from diaper rashes to school fees was discussed and digested.
BTW FYI mom has this friend called Divya , and her daughter Risha is like very hot, initially my sole reason was to meet her but when i went there , for some apparent reason i got bored talking to her, i was admiring her dressing table more than anything.
Somehow,Doritos seemed boring to me today while watching TV, Saas Bahu serials have a lot controversy i also found out today.

Note: If you are a lady, you probably understand the symptoms better – can you tell me the truth…am I turning into a woman? If yes, I would like to know your thoughts on same gender sex?


Anonymous said...

dude wtf is wrong wit u man ? dont fuckin tell me after a few days yr going 2 shave all the hair frm yr body aswell !! n pls dont fuckin tell me its a phase a guy goes through !! meet me i guess u need a few shots on the head !! :P

Apurv said...

Ummm whoz this ?

Anonymous said...

hahaha baldev...i alwys knew it..u jus realsing it now..hahhaha

Anonymous said...

n baldev y ver u luking at tht lebonese guys lips....omg...

Apurv said...

its not funny ullu... i really felt something was wrong that day ,

Infact i do rememeber while i was coming back home i was listining to that song -- If i was a boy (8)

Lebenese guy ?... I was trying to find out what he is trying to say