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Sunday, December 28, 2008

Thank God it's Friday ?

'All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy' - is a saying we are all familiar with. And if you can instantly relate to Jack you know you have been working too hard and need to take a break.

A break? Are you kidding? Ask those working in a 24x7 setup – which is practically everywhere i guess and all you’ll get in response is a look of disbelief. Alarmingly, the people of the fastest rising economy in the world don't have time to sit back and relax. Unrealistic targets, enhanced matrices and tempting incentives coupled with never-ending quest for perfection is pushing us into working round-the-clock – with no time for leisure (Yes this is where my craving for Foosball comes in..)
The duration of a weekend has declined from two complete days to just one or maybe half a day now, which usually starts as late as Friday night (I prefer to sleep on a Thursday afternoon after college) and doesn’t really continue till Saturday evening because your phone keeps ringing due to something or the other or the tensions of submissions. Before the TGIF feeling can sink in, there is a fleeting sensation of the arriving Monday blues, or in my present case Sunday blues. The work, the environment and the week, which in most of the cases is an ordeal, is too prominent in the minds of people to let go for these two days.

I had 4 days to complete the goddamn portfolio though its almost complete but still not done up to my expectations, every time i think that i might complete my work over the weekend somehow i just don't complete it. (Can't blame anyone i was too lazy earlier ... ) My weekend mood starts from Friday afternoon and even the shops close earlier in my area than usual on that day. People here are living (Friday) happy and contended lives without the luxury of having housemaids, cooks, cleaners, drivers etc...(Yes my maid takes an off on a Friday and decides to chill out)

Look at my mom for example weekends for her are meant to be Fridays and Saturdays and as soon as the weekend arrives, she switches off her mobiles, Blackberry’s, laptops and doesn't really work unless absolutely necessary. Despite me taken up a course what i always wanted to do or maybe didn't now BA (Interior Design) being pretty clear with my working hours, i end up stretching everyday and even on weekends. Regardless of how much i love (or hate) my work or how much the 24x7 work culture has sink into us Indians, everyone does need some ‘me time’ i guess...
Just like there is a time for everything in life, there is a time for leisure and recreation. Recreational activities provide that much-needed balance and positive energy to our lives without which we would burn out in no time. Have you ever thought about this you end up in a tiff with your girlfriend ONLY on weekends. No i am serious in my case its always like that, still yeah whatever i am committed .. :).... (never really mention your frustrations on your relationships over the Internet past experiences haven't been good).... I still love you Aakriti :)

Before i continue my mindless blah ! about how screwed your weekends can be i am off to rediscover the art and the entertainment of the PLAYSTATION 2 ... adios

P.S - Everyone should really check out the new Need for speed - Undercover ... now that's a game that can really test your driving skills ....


Anonymous said...

Good blog.

Apurv said...

Thankx .. tried going to your blog But the thing is i really dont know portugese ..:P

@Mb3R said...

nice blog!!! i like ur concept!! oh yaa love ya 2!! lol!!!