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Saturday, January 3, 2009


So Design isn't really that bad , well off course you got to study and work your ass off and yes for the last one week i am doing that , i had to research a lot for my residential design portfolio , and i came across some designs which can be described in just one word " wicked " , whosoever has designed these has really a wicked mind. (Screw you Iyer you don't teach us to do these things...) It looks cool too. I must admit it may not be practical enough but still never the less, it is pretty cool. The day probably when i aim to design something , i might be able to get an end product as crazy/wicked/sexy as these ... :)

This was on the right is really cool . You have to admit that , it could give you your 8 hours of Fame and that too every night :) . Perhaps it could guarantee to encourage beautiful dreams. I will be searching as to where to get these , i wouldn't really mind getting these pillows. EBay ??

Till about last month i was really not aware of these cigarette cases till the time i saw one of my classmates in college carrying one everyday . It was one of those Gothic/rock ones. I was still fascinated with it and wanted to get one for myself, but now after seeing this i have changed my mind. I WANT THIS !!! ... Smoking is like a sin in my family and yes i had broken that law sometime back, but this is a innovative way to really camouflage that.

Who said that smoking is injurious to your health when it gives you innovative ideas like these.

I do like reading books and i do like eggs in the morning, now this is ultimate creativity, The dude who designed this is a Pakistani and settled in New York, and works as a freelancer for a firm in New York. I have a lot of respect for him because i did see quite a lot of his designs and his designs are pretty funny and artistic as well. Though this is just a design, it is not yet in the market as such, with things like IKEA and HomeCentre present in the market, i doubt if these things i could find in their respective showrooms. IKEA does have decent good stuff but not the wicked things that i have actually mentioned in this post. Anything to do with Apple, and designers start scratching their heads to come up with something and perhaps i guess it has happened this time too. Apple @ Coffee tables. Innovation is the only word perhaps which could be said in this. I personally would never be able to think to create something like this, but it looks cool and trendy, I did use a Apple I phone sometime back and have to say that it was a crappy phone, unless you are happy with conversations that sound as if you are under water ...

Well i would be using some of these in my portfolio for Residential Design hope they come in use and well appreciated on the day of viva ...


Unknown said...

i like the egg thing, it looks real..
n yes, wicked like u said...
but i dont think mr ashok has got sth to do with teaching us how to create such designs, its all in ur head actually ;) no matter wat assignment ur given, if u try to find something appealing in each single assignment, trust me, u can come up with brilliant ideas... but u hav to find the inspirtion for that, n that is by finding some sort of interest in watever work is give to u...

Unknown said...


Apurv said...

Thankyou .. :) Keep Reading