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Monday, January 12, 2009

Residential Design ... Serious ?

So its RD that has kept me occupied for the last 10 days, Conceptual Designs are a pain trust me they are really a pain. Thinking of concepts I do have something in mind , what about 1960 or 1970 ? .. Is there anything i can really use of that ? Old Radio Transmission and Rocking Chair as furniture ? Too lame and boring , but at the same time Retro is not useful in anyway. Toh basically Meri toh lag gayi hain ! .. i have not decided anything and i have VERY few hours in hand.

This is one exam that i really need to pass , Pass but how? .. kaise ? .. I really wish the beg, borrow, steal theory would work on this also like it does in other cases. I really don't have good experiences of using this theory before and its because of that i haven't given my 1st exam,(Yes Mahe Manipal gives 100% importance to Plagiarism . Screw You ! )

Tonight i am doomed, nothing seems to be going my way. I don't have a concept so that makes SURE that i am not prepared for tomorrow's exam AT ALL, its not that i don't really want to work, My old principle of " I am not lazy i just don't want to work " has gone absolute and i rarely follow that nowadays, rarely is a wrong word here probably.

I was an idiot that i was over-confident about this exam, now i am not, in fact i regret it. Internal Marks for RD don't give a smile on my face either, So now its luck its pure simple luck that i will have to face tomorrow.

Hopefully if what my "evil" mind is thinking right now .... I WILL PASS!!!

P.S- I am telling you the world revolves around this word called "Jugaad" if not the world at least Interior Design does ... :P


ellion said...

" I am not lazy i just don't want
to work "
its the same thing how many times do i have to tell you

Apurv said...

Its a Philosphy ally , It has a deeper thinking towards it ...