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Monday, March 16, 2009

My take on cities and the girls ...

As indicated in my previous posts, Boredom has captured my life. Earlier it was boredom coz of absolutely no work and now perhaps there is too much of work. In spite of my best efforts to get over this , i have failed miserably. It is this boredom that has forced me to dream/visualize places that i would like to go and basically chill out ...

1. Paris: The wine, The architecture ... the culture , The louvre , the charm and the artistic beauty of the city. Many people have told me that this city has got a certain flavour to it be it from musicians, architects or painters which is intesified byDan Brown's Da vinci code.
French Girls:They are pretty good looking infact most of them are hot...

2. Ladakh: I always as a kid wanted to go there , maybe coz i like winters a lot. The Dal lake becomes a platform to ice skate in the cold weather of December. The atmosphere there is simply amazing. The hills, the lakes , the weather it does remind me somewhat of the 3 years i had spent in a hostel in Dehradun.
Kashmiri Girls: Exceptions are always there i feel , but all in all this place is not that bad...

3.Kolkota: Not that i like Bongs, i find the dudes from Kolkota "Phattu" who just claim that they are this and they are that.. Blah Blah ! .. in reality nothing. The chicks are not less, Blondness runs in their blood, but the city in all has a lot to offer,the food,the sweets,the architecture ,the trams, the sheer richness and opulence.
Kolkata Girls: Who said Blonds were not Hot ? ..

4. Vegas: This place is where i plan to retire, I plan to be buried in Vegas itself. Just someday , someday .. i should have enough money to go there and play poker .... and yes hopefully not regret it later ... :)
Vegas Girls: Ahem ! .. Need i say more ??

5. Morocco: There’s a certain royalty about that place, a cultural heritage and that enigma factor, something that most of the Islamic cities have. Plus, I like the way its pronounced..
Morocco: Nah, all have this naqab over them ... forget it

These are the places I’ve heard about, read about, wondered of but am sure there’d be a zillion others that though do not have the discovery or enigma factor I look for in a place, they’d be a wonder just for the beauty, the peace, the ones am still to learn of and add to the list.